Friday, 10 April 2009

First photos :D

Hellooo again. I skipped a day :o but at least I wasn't bored for once. Wait...what did I do yesterday?? Oh yeah! I got up nice and late (11.30) (not quite 12 hours sleep but good enough) and decided to clean my keyboard. Well then there was a tragedy. I lost my K key. (Yes to clean my keyboard I decided to pop all the keys was a lot easier that way) But it was all good. I hunted for a while for it and then decided to make the Rolo brownie packet mix thing we've had in a cupboard for ages. It didn't taste too bad for a packet mix :) Then I came back downstairs to put all the keys back into my keyboard (apart from the K) and turn the computer on. I had a little inkling that maybe the key had fallen into the drawer but decided to wait until I'd put all the other keys back in place before I looked. And hurray, it was there! I went and got my brownies out the oven and celebrated. Well not really. I was just very happy.

Then I went to get injections for my holiday (to Uganda in July). After the first one I just said "Is that it?". The second one hurt a bit more but wasn't that bad. They made my arms feel a bit dead for the rest of the day though. It was good because my mum persuaded my sister to give us the easter egg she'd bought for one of her friends (well more liked nagged than persuaded. and it was kind of mean but if your parent condones it then you can't disagree). Then I couldn't sleep last night because of my arms being dead and all :(

Got home and wrote a lot of
my English essay. Still not done though. I get distracted too easily :P

Today I went out with Marianna and Joe. We wandered around a lot. And me and Joe laughed at Marianna a lot. Hmm I can upload pictures from that. I'll do that now then. First got to connect my camera etc...

Woo I did it! You know what? I just found out I can use my camera as a webcam :D Awesome. I have to install something to make it work though. And to do that I need to close everything else down. Well I have nothing else to say for now. Bye!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

First linking :D

What a day! I'm a bit tired now...
So I got up, got a bus, went dancing, got a bus, went home, changed, ate, got a bus, saw a film and finally came home! Phew.
Me and Sarah went to see Mall Cop. It was very very hilarious. Then we came back to my house, and sat in awkward silence trying to think of stuff to do. We ended up playing Battleships. She won. And then we went on my Wii. I won a lot but probably because I've had a lot more practice than her. But I haven't been on the Wii in ages. I spend too much time on the internet :S
Wow I really like Midnight Sun. And it's nice to know that Breaking Dawn isn't definitely the last book (well, it is, but not the last one to be written).
Yeah, my Midnight-Sun-reading was interrupted by being called to go upstairs. But my parents were watching some crappy movie about Elizabeth. Apart from seeing Christopher Eccleston (old Doctor Who) I had no interest in it at all and told them I was going back downstairs again :D (Mostly because I realised I had not written my daily blog)
I think it's about time to post a link to my blog somewhere. Before I write too much and people can't be bothered to read them all. I don't mind that, but I'd like at least someone to have read the very first ones.
I'm going to post a link up on the LG15 boards as soon as I'm done writing. Then I think I'll go back to reading Midnight Sun. Or I might clean my keyboard...y'know, as you do...
Goodnight :D

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Midnight Sun!! :D

Well I didn't expect to be blogging every day. But I am addicted. Soon I'll run out of things to talk about, but for now I'm good. I don't think anyone's actually read it yet. I'll have to put a link up somewhere.
I said I was going to find Midnight Sun the other day. I forgot. I'll do that right NOW. And then get back to writing this.
Hmm so today I woke up at 12.30. Which meant I had 12 hours' sleep. I like that :) Watched TV a bit, had soup for lunch, got dressed, watched Neighbours, wrote some of my essay...
Then I went shopping with my mum. All I got was a pair of shorts but I never buy much anyway. And I tend to buy things when someone's offering to pay for me ;) My mum wanted me to get a geography text book (since I got a D in the last exam) but I would rather get one from online. And I told her that so eventually (after 15 minutes of looking at the same shelves in Waterstones) she gave in.
So, back to last night. Yeah, it was midnight, I forgot some things. Like Heroes!! I love it :D Oh but it was so sad when Daphne died. And Tracey died too. But I didn't really like Tracey. That was last week. Why am I talking about last week? Last night! Well Claire was awesome. And she completely owned Nathan. Nobody likes Nathan. BOOO.
Quick glance at Midnight Sun. Oh crap Edward likes using big words doesn't he? I'll have to have open in a new tab while I'm reading.
I'm already making a birthday list, 5 months early:
I really want the Twilight DVD and soundtrack, the new Kelly Clarkson CD, and High School Musical 3 DVD. Maybe if I write them here I'll remember. I might end up buying Twilight soon though because I really want to watch again now I've read the books. Did I say that in another blog? Possibly. I shouldn't talk about Twilight anymore. Unless it's something new.
I'm going to read Midnight Sun now. And I can smell dinner so I would have to go soon anyway...


Yeah, so it's like, midnight. I will go to bed soon. I WILL.
So today I had to get on a bus to go dancing. Seeing 4 different people you know is quite amazing for one bus journey wouldn't you say? Well I would. And I bought my friend's CD :D (He recorded it locally and it's for charity) Put it on my ipod. Going to play it whenever I see him next...
And then I went to Primark with a friend to buy BRIGHT GREEN SHOES for this dancing show I'm doing. At least we're all wearing the same thing. Then we wandered around the high street for a bit with no money. Then we got bored and went home.
It turns out I can't go to Canterbury :( Everyone's going on Thursday which is the day I'm getting injections for my holiday to Uganda in July (can't wait!!). But I have been told that they're going to try and go again with me at some point. But it's unlikely to be this half term.
Ahh but at least I have my cinema trip planned for Wednesday. That should be good.
But nothing else planned for this holiday yet *sigh*. I think I'm going to try and get my essay done tomorrow. And hopefully Food Tech stuff. Then I can concentrate on having fun.
Well, technically it's today.
It feels weird to be awake when everyone else is in bed.
(Usually my dad's still up but he's gone on some motorbiking trip to Norfolk)
I need to tidy my room. Stuff is everywhere. I tend to leave it at the edges, so it's "out of the way" but it sort of looks like my room is growing mess from the walls inwards. If you know what I mean. Maybe I'll have to upload some photos for my blogs.
I really do have a lot to say that I didn't realise I had before. Maybe writing a blog is good for me :-) Anyway *yawn* goodnight now ;D

Sunday, 5 April 2009


Hello again. I seem to enjoy blogging. After a while I'm sure I'll get bored of it...but, that's the way it works for everything, right?
So, yeah, I ended up watching a "comedy murder mystery". It was...strange. They lived with a gorilla. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
So as I was saying yesterday, I usually take a book with me. But I've just finished reading Breaking Dawn (last book in the Twilight series). I saw Twilight the film first in December and thought it was awesome, but, as everyone told me, the books were sooo much better. So now I have no new books to read. I'll have to choose some to re-read...I could read Midnight Sun. That's on the internet isn't it? I'll go find that when I'm finished here...
So, church this morning :) Not much to say about that.
I think it's dinner time. I love roasts :D Bye for now...