Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Thorpe Park :D:D:D

Fridayyyyy. I sat in the garden reading a book and got a tan finally :) That's all I can remember about that I think :S
Saturdayyyy. I did homework (yay!) because I hadn't done any at all that holiday...oops. Went out to a club in the evening, where we play games a bit and read the Bible a bit (it's a Christian thing). I completely owned everyone at Wii bowling xD DIVERSITY WON BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT! :D :D I was sooo glad. I really didn't want Susan Boyle to win. Then I went and stayed over at Teresa's house for the night.
Sundayyyy. Woke at 7.30am (boo) to go to Thorpe Park! (woo!) First ride we went on was Saw (the new one). The queue was as scary as the ride. It broke down twice while we were waiting (but was fixed pretty quickly) and then when we were getting near the front there was a SHOTGUN sound. It made everyone jump. Then when we got ahead a bit we heard it again (but quieter) and laughed at all the people jumping behind us. I think a man screamed xD So I also went on :
  • Rumba Rapids (X2)
  • Logger's Leap
  • Colossus
  • Nemesis Inferno (The best)
  • Tidal Wave (X2)
Good times :) I do love me some rollercoasters. It was quite hot though. Maybe a little bit cooler. Kthxbye (lol)
Mondayyyyy. Back at school. Awhhh. Nothing interesting happened I don't think. Family barbecue in the afternoon/evening :P Another auntie and uncle arrived (from the other side of the family) to take over my bed and room. Luckily I am allowed on my computer. (I'm doing homework...RIGHT? *looks threateningly at you*) Yeah, so...barbecue. Food was good. Cake was good. Yup. Beat everyone at Wii bowling (again xD) but then lost at Wii music (I haven't played in ages). Went to bed too late and now too tired. And feeling annoyed at everything. I almost broke my computer earlier. Ah well.
Todayyyy. Got a lollypop in Maths for winning something last lesson. Ate it while doing a test. Starting reading Of Mice And Men in English. Apparently it's a really boring book but my teacher does the voices (bad American accent) which makes it more enjoyable. IT was the usual do nothing lesson. I think I got about half a page done. And wasted space with pictures. My grade got moved up in Food Tech. But I haven't really done much more. Ah well. Came home and got annoyed at my computer. And now it's time to Geographise...
Kthxbye :)