Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Lanterns and Barbeques.

Hellooo there :)
Usual stuff. Was a really nice dinner at the restaurant. I skipped the starter because I wasn't that hungry. Then I had quiche and potato salad :) Then I had chocolate brownie with ice cream. :) Mmmm...
Sunday I went to church. Then went to church again. Then left halfway through (Right before the boring man! Yay!) to go do a tap dancing exam. Hehe. For once it wasn't delayed by hours so when I got there I only waited about 20 minutes-ish. That's still quite long. Wellll the first thing that went wrong was my partner didn't dance when she was supposed to. Aww oh well. We were supposed to do it at the same time so I was kind of doing it by myself...Luckily the examiner let us start that bit again. Then we had to do things called time steps and we both did the first ones fine and messed up at the same point the second time round :/ When it came to echoes (examiner claps and you copy) it was really really super-easy though. I can still remember it now. (1 2 3 1-and-2-and-3 1 2 3 1..) The rest was ok I think.
Also finished my creative writing on Sunday. I would post it but I don't think you're supposed to PLUS someone could steal it and we don't want that now do we ;) ALSO finished a really really long sheet we had for Spanish that wasn't compulsory but it really is because she moaned at me for not starting it last week.
Yesterday was my mum's birthday. Was woken up at 8.30 (I think...was too tired to check the time) to watch her open presents. Then went back to bed. Got up and had an egg and ham and cheese and ketchup in a bagel. That was goooood. Then I made cheesecakes for the barbecue. Then I made croissants with chocolate in the middle. Was told I have to make them again. I will, at some point...
The barbecue was great :) Saw loads of my parents' old friends. Sometimes awkward because I wasn't sure who to talk to. Food was great. Weather was OK. Not as sunny as the weekend-boo :(We played volleyball over the wall. At first it was football but people kept kicking it over the wall so they gave up. My dad got my mum these flying lantern things for her birthday. Lol. So they lit one and let go. We managed to make it miss the massive tree and all the power lines. And it almost went in another tree but kept going. Then it landed in some old lady's garden. We all stood in the street a bit worried. Then she came out and said something like 'Someone get this thing out of my garden before it sets it on fire!' Hehehe. Oh well it was all fine in the end. But next time we're going to let it off in a big wide open space...
Today was quite boring. German test. Spanish test. Another film in English :) It was weird though. Jekyll and Hyde fro m the point of view of a maid. In IT we found out that a newsletter which we expected to be one page long in fact has to be four pages long. Gah. And I had a little pen fight with Sarah and a slightly bigger pen fight with Jon. Covered in Sharpie and biro now.
My mum is really really ill. (SWINE FLU?!? Naww...) She can't even drink water. WATER!!!!
Yup so that's my life with the extremely boring bits edited out :)

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